After experiencing a fire in your home or business, dealing with the damages can be a lot to handle. Some damaged items may be irreplaceable in sentimental value or detrimental to your business. Luckily, more items can be saved with ultrasonic cleaning than you previously thought possible.
Ultrasonic cleaners can deep clean items so well that any trace of smoke damage or soot can be removed. Restoring fire-damaged contents with ultrasonic cleaning is more efficient, thorough, and safe than other restoration methods.
What Makes Ultrasonic Cleaning the Best Choice for Restoration?
Ultrasonic cleaning tanks restore items faster than other methods of cleaning, and they clean better in less time. Cavitation allows every part of an object to be thoroughly cleaned, and the molecules are able to clean cracks and crevices that a cleaning brush would miss. When it comes to fire damage, it is important to clean every bit of the surface to thoroughly remove the smell of smoke and soot.
The water-based cleaning agents are safe to use on a wide range of items. There is no need to worry about harsh chemicals damaging your valuables or leaving toxins behind on children’s toys. The ultrasonic cleaning tank is also more gentle than a harsh scrub brush, keeping your belongings safe from scratches and peeling paint.
What is Worth Cleaning and Restoration?
After a fire, a person needs to assess the damages and decide what items are worth restoring and what items need to be thrown away and replaced. Ultrasonic cleaning is a very cost-effective way to clean and restore items that have been damaged in a fire because of the reduced labor and time expenses. When an item costs less to clean than it does to replace, it is worth cleaning and restoring the item. The low cost of ultrasonic cleaning means that more items are worthy of restoration.
Some items will come out of a fire unrecoverable, such as melted plastic that is now molecularly altered from its original form. For plastic that is able to be cleaned and restored, it is put in the tank for two to five minutes and cleaned at a temperature of 125℉ to ensure the plastic pores are opened and the cleaning agent can fully remove the smoke and soot.
Similar to plastic, once glass sustains a certain temperature for too long it is changed on a molecular level and cannot be restored. Plastic and glass items that are lower to the ground are more likely to be worth cleaning because heat and smoke rises, protecting these items slightly.
Soft goods can also be restored in ultrasonic cleaning tanks. Items such as clothing, stuffed animals, and handbags can be cleaned and restored. Fabric that has been burned or singed cannot be restored but ultrasonic cleaning tanks can remove the stains and stench brought on by smoke damage.
Ultrasonic Cleaning Tanks for Restoration
The Restoration Pro® system from Omegasonics cleans and restores damaged items quickly and effectively. Utilizing this assembly-line cleaning process, you can be far more productive and profitable than ever before. If you would like to talk to one of experts to discuss your cleaning projects and the best equipment for the task, give us a call at (888) 989-5560.