Are you getting tired of searching for insurance adjusters on every job? There is now an easier way to find them; in fact, now there is a way to have them come looking for you!
It’s simple and only takes one step; save them a ton of money! Not only will they say, “Wow,” but they will be begging to use you and your equipment for every future job.
Derek West estimated that using an ultrasonic cleaning machine has helped him save around $200,000 dollars for the insurance companies. Furthermore, this savings only took several months. Before the year is out he claims he can save the insurance companies over a million dollars.
Ultrasonic cleaning for restoration use saves not only money, but cuts total processing time in half. A standard restoration company (not using an ultrasonic cleaning facility) uses a crew of six to clean 14-15 boxes of contents per day. With an Omegasonics ultrasonic cleaning system, the same restoration company can now do 60 boxes a day, with only 3 or 4 people. This gets contents back to the homeowner quicker making insurance adjusters ecstatic.
Only a short time ago, electronics were considered to be a complete financial loss for an insurance company. By using ultrasonic cleaning equipment, electronic items can now be a great business and economic benefit to you. Insurance agencies used to throw these items in the trash because they could not be cleaned or restored. Instead of tossing these devices away, you can now clean, restore, and re-use electronic items in only a matter of minutes!
If that won’t make your adjuster say “Wow,” then what will?