One major benefit of ultrasonic cleaning is the ability to clean small, intricate pieces quickly and effectively. A great example of this is with the cleaning of brass instruments. Saliva leaves behind corrosive acids and mineral deposits that build-up on valves and tone holes. Even slides, like on a trombone, can start to stick. Manually […]
Ultrasonic Cleaning – “Instrumental” for Success in Music
If you are in the music industry, whether as a hobbyist or as a professional, you probably have plenty of experience trying to clean musical instruments. As you know, it’s a lot more fun to play an instrument than it is to clean one! I don’t want to start off this blog on the wrong […]
Increase Musical Instrument Cleaning Profits 300%
Rick of Arrowhead Band Music says that he and his brass tech love the 59-gallon Music Pro Ultrasonic Cleaner. He says that it cleans his instruments much faster, and he can sleep at night not having to worry about OSHA regulators. One major benefit of ultrasonic cleaning is the ability to clean small, intricate pieces […]