So you like your solvent parts washer? Well sure, why wouldn’t you? It has cleaned your parts effectively for the past 20 years. But do you also like handling dangerous chemicals, paying for the added liability insurance coverage, worrying about an explosion, and exposing your employees and the environment to toxic solvents? Probably not. Solvent parts washing may have been “the thing” a long time ago, but today, there’s a safer, energy-efficient, and ecologically friendly way to get your parts cleaner than any solvent parts washer ever could—ultrasonic cleaning systems.
Solvent parts washers use organic solvents, which are dangerous for a number of reasons. First, they are very volatile. Workers exposed to the vapors can experience both short- and long-term health effects. The vapors are flammable, which means accidental introduction to heat from any source could start a fire or trigger an explosion.
Organic solvents require special handling, special storage, and special PPE while in use. They are also toxic to wildlife if accidentally spilled or released, and they pollute the atmosphere. The vapors must be vented and captured when the washer is used, and spent solvents must be treated as hazardous waste, adding to the operating costs for the unit. Ultrasonic cleaning systems have none of these issues, since they clean with eco-friendly detergents that are non-toxic and non-flammable.
Because the risk of fire and explosion is so high in places where organic solvents are stored and used, insurance underwriters require high deductibles and high premiums in those facilities. You were probably required to install and maintain extra fire protection systems like sprinklers and fire extinguishers around your solvent parts washer, and are likely subjected to extra inspections from the fire marshal and your insurance carrier.
Solvent parts washers add a lot of extra expense and work to your business. Ultrasonic cleaning system detergents do not catch on fire, so there’s no increased exposure, extra safety systems required, or added cost for operating one in your facility.
Solvents also require special handling and reporting. They must be disposed of as hazardous materials, which can be expensive, and each solvent has a threshold above which you must report a spill to local and state jurisdictions. Solvents are toxic to fish, wildlife, plants, and humans at different levels, and contribute to air pollution. Ultrasonic cleaning detergents pose no such problems.
Still in love with your solvent parts washer? If not, it’s time to take a look into ultrasonic cleaning systems. Ultrasonic cleaners are safe to use, take advantage of environmentally friendly detergents, pose no risk of explosion or fire hazard, and make your employees more productive since there’s no special PPE to wear or special handling procedures to follow. Ultrasonic cleaners are just a better choice in today’s climate. Omegasonics builds ultrasonic cleaning systems that use safe detergents.
For more information on ultrasonic cleaners, visit the Omegasonics website. You can also find us on LinkedIn and Twitter.