We all know that person who appears hyper productive, but really isn’t.
How Well Do You Know Your Employees?
You spend more time with employees and coworkers than you do with anyone else.
Create a Workplace Culture Your Employees Love
They took a couple hundred years to realize it, but employers have finally begun to appreciate the value of having a positive workplace culture. And when we say “value” we don’t mean the abstract, feel-good type of social value brand managers bandy around these days. We mean cold, hard cash. Research shows that when employees […]
Why Are Employees More Productive When They Leave the Office?
We all have those co-workers who look like they are absolutely getting nothing done during the work day. A survey from company FlexJobs reveals that this may actually be the case, but also that the employee may not be the one to blame. Instead, you can fault the unproductive atmosphere of most office environments. Wait, […]
How to Better Manage Your Business Cash Flow
Learning how to manage your business cash flow can greatly reduce the stress and unpredictability of being a business owner. After all, many businesses with healthy metrics in sales, growth and profitability can still run into major problems when their cash flow becomes unexpectedly restricted. So what is cash flow? This term refers to the […]
Five Tips for Managing your Own Time
Do you have trouble meeting your personal goals? Even people who are very efficient on the job may struggle when they are off the clock. The same ideas that help you achieve efficiency in the office may not apply when you head home to do things for yourself. Here are five ways that you can […]
What No One Ever Told You About Work-Life Balance
We hear that work-life balance is important. We’re told that good employers help us maintain it.