When disaster strikes a home or business recovery can take a long time. Services like the Red Cross offer the basics of what people will need to get through their disaster, like food, shelter and emergency response. Others companies begin to help people put their lives back together in the aftermath of the disaster. For years […]
How to Relax and Learn at the Same Time
Most working adults have only a small amount of down time. They must also stay sharp by educating themselves in their field and learning new strategies to cope with the challenges they face on a daily basis. How To Relax Taking time out to relax and also learn something new can be a highly productive […]
Increased Productivity – How to Spend the Last Hour at Work
It is very easy to just coast through the last hour at work. You start thinking about dinner and all the things you need to do at home and consider jumping out the door before the traffic gets too bad. Instead, you can choose to end the day strong which will set you up for […]
Our New Logo
We have had some major changes recently. One of our biggest changes has been our new logo! You may have notice that the Omegasonics logo has changed. Changing a logo is a risky move. Recognition with a company is built through that image. However, we at Omegasonics also felt that a logo should be representative […]
A Quality Cleaner – Omegasonics Cleaner
It’s an age-old adage, but its message still holds true today: “You get what you pay for.” That’s a fact, whether you’re buying a car, a mattress, or a refrigerator… and it’s especially true for ultrasonic cleaners. Going cheap may save you some money in the short term, but it may actually end up costing […]
What are the Different Types of Cleaning Solutions Available for Ultrasonic Cleaners?
There are a seemingly endless variety of cleaning solutions available for us to use in ultrasonic cleaners. Choosing the right one is as important to the ultrasonic cleaning process as the selection of an appropriate temperature and the amount of time the parts will be cleaned. While we must know exactly what the parts are […]
Ultrasonic Cleaners: Cleaning Filling Valves
Ultrasonic cleaners are used in the beverage packaging industry to restore filling valves to a precision state. The beverage industry produces thousands of cans and bottles of product every hour, and ultrasonic cleaners are used to keep the machinery and processes going 24/7. Automated filling stations move continuously to align the cans and bottles, dispense […]
Ultrasonic Cleaners: Cleaning 3D Printed Parts
Ultrasonic cleaners are a reliable, safe, and effective way to remove mold support from the surfaces of a 3D printed part. Parts manufactured by the 3D printing process can take advantage of ultrasonic cleaners to expedite the cleaning and finishing stages after a part is printed. Very intricate and delicate objects, as well as complex […]
Cost-Effective Water and Fire Damage Restoration with Ultrasonic Cleaning
Before ultrasonic cleaning technology came along, if your property was damaged in a fire or flood, most everything had to be thrown out and new items purchased. It was painful enough just replacing those things you could go out and buy, like appliances, dishes, computers, electronics, clothing, and other common household items. But what about […]
Using Ultrasonic Cleaning to Build Solar Panels
Manufacturing solar panels is a delicate and precise process, and ultrasonic cleaning is used during the fabrication and assembly process to ensure the assembled panel performs at peak efficiency when placed in service. Solar panels are constructed of solar cells, which are made of delicate materials coated with thin metal films. Harsh cleaning procedures would […]