In this article, we’ll talk about the different types of materials that can be cleaned using these same solutions in our ultrasonic cleaners, and why choosing one over another may better suit our needs.
Workplace Relations: Find Out Who Your Employees Are
Do you actually know your employees? We’re not talking about their names and their work responsibilities.
What Is a “Corporate Family?”
We live in a world where the workplace is changing every day. There are an unprecedented number of generations all working together right now, from the Baby Boomers who are just reaching retirement age to the soon-to-be-incoming Generation Z who will be hitting the workplace within the next three or four years. That means four […]
Tips to Writing a Better Business Plan
When you write a business plan, you have to try and predict the future both for your own operations’ sake and for the sake of anyone you want to attract onboard. This level of prognostication may sound impossible, but really all you are doing is painting a vivid picture for how your proposed business would […]
Managing Change through Social Media
Companies must change or fall behind. Change is the order of the day, especially in businesses that are in the technology and service fields. That very same change that can keep your company alive can also intimidate, disorient and affect your employees. That is why change management in an organization is so important. Change management […]
Using Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology for Food Plants
Even if you are familiar with ultrasonic cleaners like we are, you get surprised sometimes at the new and innovative uses companies can find for them. The food industry is one of those places you never really expect to hear about ultrasonic cleaners being used. It turns out that if you own a food processing […]
10 Office Organization Hacks
People are the most productive in an organized environment. If you have what you need on hand and in front of you, then you don’t spend time searching around to find what you need to get the job done. Use these organization hacks to make your work place and life more efficient. Use Labels – What is […]
Clean Your Musical Instruments with Ultrasonic Cleaning
Musical instruments are delicate items. They can also be subjected to pretty punishing wear and tear as they are used. This can be particularly true of band instruments used in schools or rental instruments used by kids to learn on. While music styles change, the cleaning of musical instruments has not changed much over the […]
Power Sports: Equipment Cleaning
If you are into power sports you know equipment cleaning is just part of it. ATVs, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles and jet skis are all fine-tuned machines built for speed. To keep them in top shape requires some time and maintenance. Nothing can end a long drive down Route 66 on a sunny afternoon faster than a […]
Ultrasonic Cleaning Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Managing Total Cost of Ownership is instrumental when evaluating industrial ultrasonic cleaning options. Analyzing all the basic elements which affect cost either before or after installation is prudent. While the initial investment of an ultrasonic cleaner can be higher than other options, the costs incurred after installation are much less than the manual washing processes; […]