An assembly-line ultrasonic contents restoration processing system allows a staff of 3-4 technicians to increase production by 500%. Disaster restoration companies usually clean fire, smoke, and water damaged contents manually. The ultrasonic process does a more thorough job of cleaning. Contents restoration companies recover more contents for homeowners. Insurance companies save millions of dollars in […]
The Dirt on Hardwood Floors
Hardwood Floors are both appealing and durable. They add that nice rustic and earthy touch to our homes. Although they can withstand a lot of wear and tear in their lifetime, hardwood floors often need care and upkeep to last. With the right products and regular upkeep, keeping your hardwood floors in pristine condition is […]
Ultrasonic Cleaning of Electronics
Did you know that there is a way to effectively clean sensitive items such as computers, televisions, stereo systems, and industrial electronics that have been damaged in a fire or flood? Frank Pedeflous, president of Omegasonics, gives a brief look at the restoration process of sensitive items such as electronics. More information can be found […]
How to Establish a First Class Restoration Division
Are you in need of setting up or improving your fire and water restoration division? Your company can specialize in the cleanup and restoration of property after a situation involving fire damage, smoke damage, or water damage. In this video, we give a few helpful steps that you and your company can take to maximize […]
How a Restoration Pro Earned $1000 in an Hour for her Company.
When State Restoration called to ask if they could try out a Restoration Pro by Omegasonics® to see how it would handle a contents job, we said, “Sure, send us your crew and we will set them up.” So Eileen Zark brought over her crew and five palates from a job she was already doing. […]
How Ultrasonic Technology is Curing Common Mold
Ultrasonic Waves: The Cure for the Common Mold Even though ultrasonic cleaning is widely used in the restoration industry, many restoration professionals are not fully aware of how to maximize the unique advantages of an ultrasonic cleaner’s wide range of power and effectiveness. One area in which ultrasound is a must is when the job […]